Thursday 20 November 2014


Since we had all had such an emotionally draining night, we decided sleep would be the best thing for everyone.

Josh had insisted on staying on the couch in Kate’s hospital room. They wanted to keep her overnight (understandably) and he didn’t want to leave her by herself. Usually the hospital wouldn’t allow this but since her parents weren’t around, they said it would be fine. I knew I would need to stay a few days so I called the closest hotel and booked a room.

Josh hadn’t called her parents because he knew they were at their vacation home in Florida and didn’t want them panicking before he got all the info from the doctors.

“They need to know. They are going to freak out either way, the sooner they know the better.” I said to him. I was getting ready to leave and we were standing outside Kate’s room since she had drifted back to sleep.

He looked like a mess and I knew that it wouldn’t be a fun phone call to make, so I offered to take care of it.

He looked relieved and sighed, “Would you mind? Thank you so much, I mean it doesn’t sound good getting a call from your daughter’s boyfriend, or ex-boyfriend, whatever we are, saying she’s in the hospital because of drugs…”

“You just focus on keeping an eye on Kate overnight, and getting yourself some sleep” I said as I hugged him goodbye. "And do me a favour? Keep that Jozie girl away I don't think she should be around Kate right now."

He nodded, “Thanks Sarah, are you okay getting to your hotel?”

“Oh yeah, according to my phone it’s only about a 5 minute drive” I answered.

Once I got back into my car, I lost all composure and I pulled up my parents’ home number. Katelyn was like a second daughter to them and they were friends with her parents so they would want to know.

My mom answered on the fifth ring in a panic. I think any parent that gets a phone call after midnight has a mini heart attack before answering.

I started crying harder as I told her everything, barely being able to form proper sentences.

After she had gotten over her questions about Kate she asked if I had talked to her parents.

“No, Josh said they’re in Florida. I told him I would handle it. I was gunna wait till the morning since it’s after 2 am there. I don’t think there’s a point in worrying them in the middle of the night, it’s not like they can get a flight at this time anyways…”

“Oh sweetie, you don’t need any more stress. I’ll call Bill and Cindy tomorrow and tell them, I know I have their number down in Florida somewhere in my contacts. It might be better coming from another parent.” She said. Just hearing my mom’s voice comforted me more than anything. I think it goes hand in hand with being sick and still wanting your mom to take care of you.

She asked where I was going to be staying and how long. I told her a few days, at least until Kate’s parents got there but that I would be able to manage being away from school since I had my laptop and could work on assignments if need be.

We said our goodbyes and I love you’s and she insisted I text her address and phone number of the Radisson hotel I’d be staying.

I quickly copy and pasted the address and phone number from their website and texted it to my mom.

I know I should have called Matt to let him know what was going on, but it was so late and I didn’t need him worrying about me so I decided to wait until morning before texting him.

I felt like a zombie by the time I shuffled my worn down self into the hotel to check in. I gave the girl at the front desk my last name and went to pull out my I.D and credit card.

“Oh, Ms. Parker your room has already been paid for and a credit card was left for any incidentals” She said with a cheery smile on her face.

My mom had obviously called the hotel right away and told them to put it on her credit card. I felt a bit better knowing that she was still taking care of me, even if she couldn’t be here.

When I got up to my room I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, and changed into pajamas. I was asleep within minutes, and didn’t wake until the next morning when my phone was going off.

I didn’t get it in time but it was my mom, and she left a voicemail saying she got a hold of Bill and Cindy and they were taking a flight that morning back home. She said they were very panicked, but she did her best to let them know Kate was going to be okay and we were all there to support her.

After listening to the voicemail, I looked through my messages, all from the girls, asking how things were. I answered all of them and then tried calling Matt.

It went to voicemail, so I left a lengthy message explaining everything, trying to sound as calm as possible. 

I showered, got dressed, and made my way over to the hospital, picking up coffee and muffins along the way.

Kate looked much better than she did the night before and her and Josh were sitting on her bed watching something on his laptop.

“Hey guys” I said softly as I walked into the room. I still felt like there was tension from the night before.

“Sar-bear!!” Katelyn said brightly.

She turned to Josh, lightly touched his shoulder and asked, “Can you give us a few minutes alone?”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll go get some air” He said back and smiled.

I handed him a coffee and blueberry muffin as he walked by and mouthed “thank you” to him.

Once he left, Kate and I were alone in her room and I stood awkwardly, not knowing what to say. She patted her bed, where Josh had been sitting so I went over and sat down.

When she looked me in the eyes, I could see they were already filling with tears before she even spoke, so I decided to talk first.

“Look, I’m sorry with how I reacted but you scared the shit out if me,” I was going for the tough love approach, “Before I even hear you out I want one promise.”

She nodded, as if she already knew what I was going to say.

“You keep your promise about getting help, and you finish the program. You know I will be there for you 100% but you need to be in it 100% too, okay?” I said, feeling like a mom talking to their kid.

“I promise. I’ll go. I can’t lose you, or Josh. I just – I’m so sorry that I put you guys through this, it was selfish.”

“We were just so worried; you weren’t acting like yourself…” I grabbed her hand and we lay on her bed just sitting in silence. It was a nice, comfortable silence though.

I told her my mom had called her parents and that they were taking a flight that afternoon. She was scared about what her parents would do but I told her that she needs their support in this and that they are more concerned than angry.

“So, what happens with you and Josh now?” I asked. I knew they had broken up because of this all but it was obvious that they were both very much in love with each other.

“I have no clue, I’m so confused on it. I want to be with him, but I don’t know if he will forgive me. I did a lot of stupid shit Sarah, and I hurt him bad.”

“Just give him some time. He wants you to get better and be back to yourself. He loves you, I know that. Even if you can’t be together like you were, I know he will stay in your life as your friend.”

She smiled weakly when I said this, and grabbed Josh’s laptop from the foot of the bed where she had pushed it.

“Sex and the city marathon?” She asked. I think she was just trying to make things as normal as possible.

I nodded and smiled at her. Josh came back a bit later and we spent the rest of the morning hanging out, watching TV and talking. It felt like we were back in high school and a part of me wished we could have done that for days and not had to deal with reality, but that’s not how life works.

Kate’s parents arrived at the hospital around 4 in the afternoon. We wanted to give them their privacy so Josh and I went down to the cafeteria to get some coffee.

I excused myself to step outside to call my mom. I told her Bill and Cindy got there and everything was looking a bit better. I kept our call quick and just wanted to keep her updated since she was worrying. I told her that I was planning on heading back to school the next day. Now that Kate’s parents were here, I felt okay leaving.

The next call I made was to Matt. I noticed that he had tried calling me twice since I left him a voicemail.

He answered after the second ring and sounded relieved that I called.

I told him everything I had left out of the voicemail and told him I would be driving back the next day.

He kept asking me if there was anything he could do or if I needed anything, but I politely declined and said I was okay, just tired and shaken up.

Since I was driving back early in the morning, we had planned to grab dinner and possibly look through some costume stores. I was hell bent on going out as a foursome with Aleah and her new guy Chase, and I didn’t want to wait until the last minute and end up with a lame costume.

After Kate had had some time with her parents, Josh and I made our way back up to her room where they were sitting together with Dr. Fantini talking to them all.

They had decided on admitting Katelyn to Start Fresh Treatment in Omaha. Her parents would also be getting counselling on dealing with a loved one with substance abuse. It felt like a small weight had been lifted to see her getting help.

Katelyn was released shortly after and was heading back to her parents house until the next day when they would take her to the treatment centre. We were all in the parking lot ready to go our separate ways. I was going back to the hotel for the night and then heading out early the next morning, and Josh was driving back to his place.

When we were saying our goodbyes I got emotional again as Kate hugged me.

She was crying too and said to me, “I’m so sorry, you are my best friend in the whole world and it means everything that you came out here. I love you.”

“I love you too, and I would do anything for you. I just want you to be back to your self. Call me if you need anything, or just want to talk.”

I hugged both of per parents and Josh, and heading back to the hotel for the night.

As I was falling asleep that night, I couldn’t help but think of how this kind of thing can happen to anyone. I never thought I would see someone I loved sitting in a hospital bed due to a reaction to drugs, but I did feel a sense of relief knowing that she not only promised to get help, but seemed like she really did want to get better.





  1. aw sounds like my mom lol
    so glad kate's getting help, should take a lot of stress off of Sarah
    now onto some fun stuff with Matt ;)

  2. I'm glad Kate kept her promise to get help. I just hope she truly dedicates herself to the program and stays in for the duration. Addiction can be a lifelong demon.
